Week 9 Part B: Using Categories

For a vacation rental, I think having organizational tabs like photos, exclusive activities, or places to go would help get attention from someone who wants to learn more about my business. By including pictures, it can create a want to go. The reason businesses have pictures is to advertise the product. It would be hard to rent a vacation house that you have never seen before. Or how many times have you seen a food commercial and said, "That sounds really good right now". I want someone to say that about my rentals and say, "I really want to go there". I get most of my ideas from seeing something on social media from someone else. It would be the same thing for activities. How else would you hear about goat yoga? It sounds crazy, but once people can see it and know how incredibly cute it is, it creates this buzz. Another thing I would do is create talk about the places our vacation rentals are in. I would try to make it unique but also a popular spot to go.

